Monday, June 22, 2009

*Of Burgers and Fortune Tellers

What does one do during a cold, rainy day? Perhaps bunking in bed and wishing on extended chimeras would be the popular answer. Enjoying a good book in one hand and a steaming hot cup of coffee in another will most likely be a notorious runner-up.

Well, I didn't do any of the above activities. I woke up at 6AM to meet up with some friends and visit the famous fortune teller of Mactan island, Madam Naty. The road leading to her dwelling is still the same muddy road that we travelled three years ago. And Nang Naty was still her glamorous old self. I was wondering if she still remembers us with our duty uniform on, all crammed up inside her "hula house" eagerly listening to each others fortunes and misfortunes. And I doubt if she still remembers making "hula" to Victor about his becoming an actor. What a disaster!

We left Nang Naty's place and drove towards Aryan's abode. Upon reaching her place, we drank a frickin' good instant coffee and spent our time blabbing off about certain things. Her cute little niece, Tanya wanted me to draw for her Princess Jasmine. I ended up drawing a Princess Jasmine with fish tails. Duh! I was thinking of the Little Mermaid all along. Whatever happened to my Disney characters expertise!? Crap.

We then head off to her burger stand and badgered her staff just so we can try making a decent burger. I saw the customer's face turned sour when I damaged her patty. LOL.

I never knew I could enjoy the rainy day like this. In any other rainy day, I would've opted to just lounge in bed and snore the day away. But this rainy day is special. I got my hands full of controversial misfortunes, a damaged patty, a twisted Princess Jasmine, a friend's surprising love news and a half day well-spent with some good friends.

Cheers to the rainy season! =)

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