Sunday, May 24, 2009

*The Day My "Na-chus" Gave Up On Me*

I have never been the biggest fan of slippers, shoes, sandals and the like. Though I have occasional footwear fetish, it remains "occasional" to the true sense of the word. The occasional pair will most likely be BLACK.

A self-proclaimed follower of the religion that is practicality, I find black shoes to be most convenient for someone who is not so fashion-savvy (ahem). I have quite a number of black foot paraphernalia to go with my 96 ct. Crayola crayons-colored wardrobe. I have quite a number of them to merit a remark from the beau that my taste for footwear is downright BORING! Ouch!

Well, I can't blame the poor boy for having such a dowdy girlfriend. But you can't blame me either if the comforts of my pads rest on that workable, reliable pair of black moccasins. Boots, sandals, ballet shoes, doll shoes, black wedges, pumps, sneakers and what have you. Name it and I have their respective black versions.

I have this particular favorite pair which I call "Na-chus", my shortcut for Naturalizer. I had it as a present from one of my Aunts two years ago. At first glance, I dismissed it as ordinary. But once I had my sole in, I found the ultimate shoe heaven! It was the simplest looking pair of sandals yet the most comfortable I have ever had in my entire post-adolescent life!

From the church to the market, from birthday dinners to the mall, from boats to the beach - - that pair was my loyal companion. My "Na-chus" were a witness to a handful of secrets. If it were given a mouth, tongue and of course a voice, then I probably would have had my jolt of Pandora's box. Boo.

As of this writing, my "Na-chus" chance of spilling the beans on me is no longer possible. Even if you give the biggest trachea there is, my "Na-chus" already gave up on me. I was just a few meters past our gate when it snapped. I looked down on a pair that used to be my feet's best friend, now it sits in a cold corner of my shoe stall.

People tend to get the most out of things which they think is useful to them. Not only is it applicable on material stuff but also in real life, say, careers, relationships and friendships. Supposedly, the ideal scenario would be mutual but what usually happens is an infestation of parasites. Parasitism over Mutualism. Once they suck out everything you got, the words "bye-bye" is just around the corner. They drop you like hot, delicious french fries!